About Us
Professional And Experienced Digital Forensics Firm
About TCG Forensics
TCG Digital Forensics is a division of The Computer Guyz. With 18 years plus trading experience in South Africa, we have our eyes closely focused on market needs. Since 2002 we have been involved in the Data Recovery field and in 2006 we began offering Digital Forensics as a service.
Our Forensics team has a diverse background ranging from mainstream IT and commercial intelligence to network security and data analysis. We use the very best of breed tools to ensure consistent results in a court-accepted manner.
Our core business is providing computer forensic, digital forensic and cellular forensic services to attorneys, accountants, auditors and private investigators around South Africa and within the African Continent. Our Certified Fraud Examiners and Cyber Crime investigators are selected based on experience, qualification and their proven abilities.
We are one of a handful of Digital Forensics companies in South Africa – providing a Cape Town and Pretoria based Incident Response team that is always at your service, we also have three in house Certified Fraud Examiners to assist with your commercial crime requirements.
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

We pride ourselves on clear and methodical practices, a secure chain of custody and a broad range of skills to meet the most demanding requirements.
Our primary offices are in Cape Town with offices in Pretoria and a presence in the Durban area. Our forensics team are able to travel at short notice and the majority of our triage equipment is portable to ensure fast results.
TCG Digital Forensics staff compliment is above 20 team members spread between our Cape Town and Pretoria offices. This includes Cybercrime specialists, fraud specialists and criminal investigators.